Unhappy DNA, Unhappy YOU!
Stress, Sticky buns, and Toxins (to name a few!) will turn on genes that move us toward chronic illness or disease.

The idea you were sold that your parents conditions will 100% be yours is not accurate for the vast majority of conditions. Knowing where your family has vulnerabilities can actually allow you have agency to change the course of your health. You got this! We Got this!
In my family, autoimmunity is rampant. But instead of kind of shrugging my shoulders about it, I’m extra attentive to the choices I need to protect myself from that expression. I regularly check a functional stool test to assess my microbiome, avoid gluten entirely, check my inflammatory and nutrient biomarkers yearly, monitor my stress like a hawk, and am extra thoughtful about what toxic exposures are in my life.
Do you know where YOUR vulnerabilities lie? Knowing this and working with a provider who can help you personalize your treatment plan to avoid turning on those genes will literally change your life.
I was recently in an appointment with a lovely 54 y/o female who is now pre-diabetic post intensive chemotherapy for breast cancer. She literally asked me if she was “doomed and bad” for leaning toward more pastries and comfort food post her chemo. My heart was broken. Diabetes happens to be present on both sides for her, and is pretty advanced. The stress of breast cancer, the toxins (albeit necessary ones!) of chemo, and the emotional charge and need for food comfort just turned on this vulnerability for her. So, NO she was not bad, or doomed! But, helping her see this allowed her to recognize it was just an interacting sensitivity.
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!