Menopause and Perimenopause

Opportunity for a Reframe: A Celebration Not a Sentence
I want to start with a personal plea to change how we think about this time in a woman’s life.
I remember hearing dark and scary stories about what would happen when I “change” later in life, and how I needed to “enjoy my life now” because it would go downhill later. I’m appalled by this messaging!
I am passionate about recognizing, attending to, embracing, and, finally, thriving as these shifts happen!
Looking for Professional Help?
That being said, it’s OK to need a little help. Our life expectancy is (thankfully) much improved. But that means that we experience symptoms more significantly than our ancestors did… because we live longer! We are also inundated by pollution, stress, and impossible schedules — it’s not uncommon to perceive these shifts in our body as incredibly challenging.
The Symptoms of Menopause and Perimenopause
Most commonly you may notice:
- trouble sleeping
- anxiety
- hot flashes
- irregular periods
- new onset PMS
- vaginal dryness
- changes in libido
- trouble with cognitive function.
This is happening because there are changes in the levels of sex hormones in our bodies. It’s typically the fluctuation as opposed to the absolute decline in these hormones that result in symptoms.
The Functional Medicine Approach
As always at DCIM, we address the basics of sleep, stress management, and nutrition/nutrient deficits. These areas have a profound effect on cultivating wellness during perimenopause. Simultaneously, we do a deep dive into some or all of the following systems:
- Hormones: Test Thyroid, Adrenals, and Sex Hormones and optimize with botanicals or bio-identical hormones
- Gastrointestinal: Balance constipation, microbiome, and inflammation
- Liver: Improve detoxification of estrogens, check genetics, and remove toxic substances
- Sensitivity: assesses sensitivity of receptors to glucose and insulin
Our goal is to design a comprehensive plan with an emphasis on food and natural substances that can incline your body to move through this with grace and ease. Partner with us to change how we think about this time in life. It’s a celebration not a sentence!
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!