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Tend to Your Health…Now More Than Ever

The last few months uniquely highlight the need to pay attention to our bodies’ baseline ability to fight disease and address any underlying health issues.  They also reaffirmed the importance of maximizing your well-being: healthier individuals facing coronavirus trend toward better outcomes. We also know that a growing list of underlying health conditions put individuals at higher risk for poor outcomes.  Our commitment to a comprehensive approach is more important than ever!

Chronic Issues

Whether it’s Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis (aka Chronic Autoimmune Thyroiditis, the most common cause of Hypothyroidism we see in clinical practice), Adrenal Dysfunction (commonly experienced as anxiety, agitation, or weight gain), Brain Fog (a persistent cloudiness or inability to focus), or any of the other conditions we treat that are uniquely responsive to our Functional and Integrative Medicine Approach, we can help you get started on feeling like your best self.

Feel Off but Don’t Know Why: Target and Address

Our 90 minute, one-on-one initial appointments are specifically designed to uncover the root cause of your distress.  Read our testimonials…you’ll never feel so cared for!  We also offer state of the art, advanced diagnostics to confirm our diagnosis and uncover any other issues that may be affecting your health.

Fine Tune Your Nutrition and Supplementation

We will help you design a personal supplementation and nutritional approach to address your specific needs and optimize your health.  I recently shared my personal supplement plan and the recent changes I made to boost my immune system.

Not Yet Ready to Come In?

At DCIM, our mission to help people achieve better health is stronger than ever before. We have developed a range of tools to allow us to continue to provide the excellent level of care for which we are known during limited travel conditions.  These tools include state-of-the-art telemedicine options, at-home testing, and mobile lab partnerships that allow us to bring our care to you in your home.  I trust them with my own family!

Feel Like Your Best Self

Whether you want to optimize your health and immune system, or you want to address a specific condition, let us help you.  If you are unsure, book a free consultation and we will jointly determine whether DCIM is a good fit for you.

About DCIM

The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!

Are you looking for help with a specific condition?

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