
Metabolic Health Optimization

Group of Women Doing Work Out

Many Roads, One Destination:

I was inspired to write this after having a week where almost everyone I saw had blood sugar imbalances!  The chief complaints were varied, but they generally included:

  • anxiety
  • weight gain
  • fatigue 
  • fungal infections

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Despite the varied complaints, one underlying mechanism was the same: trouble in the world of blood sugar maintenance.

How It Works (or Doesn’t)

Let’s step back. We take for granted that all the food we put into our mouth is systematically dealt with and processed by our bodies.  What we refer to as “metabolism.” When this works well, we efficiently take in protein, fats, and carbohydrates and turn them into energy and feel great!  But things get in the way: genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, environmental exposures… We then have trouble in our ability to take in sugars (glucose). This imbalance can result in poorly optimized cell interactions (inflammation) which worsens our overall immune status. 

The Path to Optimize

The good news is that there is a path to optimize this! 

First: know where you are.  It is crucial to begin by properly assessing your blood-sugar status.  Many “healthy” looking people have never been tested, but in fact, have blood sugar problems underlying their health complaints.  I generally begin with a fasting glucose, insulin, and hemoglobin A1c tests as starters, but finger stick tests of blood sugar levels approximately 90 minutes after meals can provide an initial gauge and live assessment… As always, seek a doctor’s advice before taking action!  

Four Essential Elements and One Optional

Remember the essential:

  1. Food: Food is medicine!  Think about how many empty carbohydrates you are putting into your mouth.  Focus on vegetables as your source of carbohydrates, and save the bread, pasta, and cake for special occasions.  
  2. Exercise: Weight training and aerobic workouts will increase muscle mass and help you burn that excess glucose you have hanging around.  
  3. Sleep: Poor sleep or low amounts of total sleep will negatively impact certain hormones that also play a role in blood sugar maintenance.   While the general recommendation it 7-8 hours, I would recommend sleeping the number of hours that allows you to feel rested in the morning.
  4. Stress Reduction: Stress is connected to everything!  Stress is going to alter hormones, mainly cortisol, that further trouble in the glucose world.  Figure out what works for you: meditation, coloring books, journaling, long baths, being in nature…and make one of them a DAILY habit. 

Consider the optional:

  1. I see so much movement in clinical status by addressing the above 4, but there are times when I need to provide some additional support in the way of botanicals/nutrients. Zinc, Magnesium, Chromium, and Omega 3 fatty acids are all important in blood sugar maintenance and I like to use Gymnema and Alpha Lipoic Acid as targeted supplements.  Consider these in collaboration with your doctor.

And lastly, and really lastly — you can talk to your doctor about pharmaceutical medications if need be.  

The Hard Way is the Easy Way

Changing our habits with food, sleep, exercise, and stress is certainly hard.  But the downsides of the alternatives need to be fairly weighed. Is feeling unwell cost-free?  If you can avoid the side effects of medication and still address the problem, shouldn’t you?

And it’s ok if you can’t do it alone.  We are here to help!

Ladies: Join Our Next Metabolic Health Group

Join our exclusive 12-week program for women looking to optimize their metabolic health and wellness. Led personally by Dr. Anjali Dsouza, you’ll receive direct guidance and support throughout the journey. Together, we’ll tailor a health plan to suit your needs and unleash your full potential. Secure your spot now by emailing us to join the waitlist. Limited availability.

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The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!

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