Why Diets Fail
Failed diets, anyone?
I think we all intuitively know that unless you’re eating Mcdonald’s and Chick Fil A all day, every day…it’s not about the food alone.

What is the Magic Formula for weight optimization? Gorgeous Metabolic Health!!? What does that entail?
- Optimizing your Mindset
- Getting the Right food for YOUR body (capitalizing with intention, one size does not fit all)
- Prioritizing Sleep
- Living Mindfully
- Layering in Exercise
It’s no cakewalk… is it?
Raise your hand if this has felt frustrating for you! Part of this frustration may be that you’ve focused primarily on the “calorie in vs calorie out” approach. Obsessively exercising and tracking your food intake…sound familiar? Well, not only is this awful from a mental health perspective, it just doesn’t work. If we change the focus to improving our metabolic health, success will be in reach, my friend!
We discuss metabolic health a lot on Instagram. I talk about why it matters, how to track it, and how to manage it. If you are on the ‘gram check it out.
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!