SHBG – Take a Ride on the Sex Hormone Shuttle!
SHBG stands for Sex Hormone Binding Globulin, and it is a protein that helps shuttle around the hormones in your body.

Why is this important?
Well, this hormone lives under the constraints of the Goldilocks phenomenon — we want her not too high, and not too low.
An Ideal SHBG is between 70-100.
- If your SHBG is high, it means that you are binding too much of your hormones, and you may be living with low hormone symptoms like insomnia, low sex drive, mood issues, vaginal dryness, and weight gain.
- If your SHBG is too low, this typically means your sex hormones are too high and you may be living with hormones that are unleashed that can result in painful periods, acne, mood complaints, swelling, tenderness breasts, and weight gain.
In conventional medicine, a common approach to any hormone complaint is oral contraceptives. While I honor all choices that people make, my job is to inform you that there could be a path that allows you to understand *WHY* your symptoms are happening, and move to address that root cause first.
As an example, low SHBG is often found in concurrent blood sugar desregularían, and high SHBG is often found in low fat food plans.
Does it sound appealing to understand the root causes of your health issues?
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