Is Mantra For You?
A mantra is a chant, sacred word, or sound that is repeated to create calm and a sense of peace internally. It has been part of many spiritual practices throughout time:
Hail Mary = Mother of Jesus
Namo Butsaya = I bow to the Buddha
Rama = Internal Joy Within
Shalom= Peace
Allah = One true God
Indigenous American :
O Wankan Tanka = Oh, Great Spirit
…and I’m sure there are more!
But, make a sound that resonates with YOU if none of these do. I tend to use “Om, Shanti”
Mantras have been shown to have medical benefits:
1. Decreasing Sympathetic Activity . In other words, slowing down that fight or flight response. I personally use a Mantra if I happen to be struggling with getting some shut eye.
2. Improved Heart Rate Variability (HRV). This refers to how much variation exists in time between heart rates. Increased HRV is associated with improved psychological well being/quality of life, and reduced morbidity and mortality of all causes. Pretty cool, huh?
If you have a mantra, what is it? And how do you use it to benefit your health?
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