
DETOX! Do you immediately conjure up images of lemon juice with cayenne water fasts? I do! But much of what we find on the internet that’s connected to “detox” (which in the medical literature is actually referred to as “biotransformation and elimination”) is suspect.
First, the inarguable: We are exposed to an enormous amount of chemicals and pollutants. Whether in our food, the products we use, or simply in the air — our body must process all of these chemicals and *remove* them in order to protect the beautiful system that is our body.
The liver is the largest organ in our body and is responsible for removing toxic elements from the environment. It utilizes a 2-step process to turn scary things into harmless ones and then will work to turn them into urine, stool, or sweat to literally push them out!
Problems can develop when the detoxification pathways are overwhelmed (think traffic jam) secondary to overexposure to harmful chemicals *OR* slowed down by genetics that result in those pathways being slower than ideal.
Dysfunction in the Detoxification System can result in malfunctions in the Immune, Hormonal, Brain, and GI system. It sets the stage for chronic illness to occur and really take hold.
Creating an individualized detox plan with a health professional is crucial, but here are some thoughts to consider right now:
1. Consume REAL foods. Remove refined sugar and packaged foods.
2. Drink Adequate Water. Your weight in pounds/2 = # of ounces a day at minimum.
3. Sweat! Exercise or Sauna is the best way to get those chemicals out!
4. Dandelion greens. 1/2 cup of organic dandelion greens + 1/4-1/2 cup of coconut water + thumb size grating of ginger + 2 squeezed lemons — a simple way to accelerate those detox pathways in your liver.
Slowed Detoxification can be a barrier to energy, hormone health, gastrointestinal wellness, and brain function. If you feel the DIY approach is only taking you so far — reach out! We’d love to help!
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!