Case Study: Female Hormone Complaints (aka “Don’t Just Reach for the Pill!”)

Conventional medicine’s typical “one size fits most” approach to female hormonal complaints is oral contraception. Occasionally, that may be the right answer, but I resist it as an option of first resort.

The truth is that oral contraception:

a. Does not work for everyone (either medically or secondary to patient preference)
b. Negatively impacts important nutrients including B and C Vitamins, Zinc, and Magnesium.
c. Doesn’t allow the patient or practitioner to know the *why*…ever. This option literally BLOCKS hormones as opposed to supporting/modulating in a way that is specific to an individual’s imbalance.

This case study is a great example of how Integrative and Functional Medicine approach well-being so differently from conventional medicine. You’ll see what a deep dive into an individual’s history looks like, and what happens when we are curious about food and lifestyle issues. You’ll also get a glimpse of how our comprehensive lab work helps identify the *exact* hormone imbalance, and what we can do to bring it back to equilibrium. Today, this young lady no longer fears her period. She feels empowered by knowing exactly what was happening with her body, and being able to choose a path to healing that avoided oral contraception.

If you are struggling with female hormone health imbalances, we are here to support you. The journey to wellness needs to be as unique and specific as you are!

About DCIM

The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!

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