B12 Benefits

To start, why do we need B12? (and you’ll see need is operative here!)
*Production of Neurotransmitters
*Nerve cell function and optimization
*Red blood cell development and maintenance
*DNA and RNA synthesis
What might you feel if you’re low?
*Weakness, Fatigue
*Balance problems
*Cognitive Dysfunction (attention, memory, concentration)
Here’s what blows my mind:
The reference range on standard labs goes from ~200-1000. So if you’re at 201, you’re “normal”
I have never seen someone feel well with anything lower than 400, and brain function is optimized above 600 in my experience. It’s certainly worth checking your levels if you have not.
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!