A Little Sweetness in Your Life

I dream of having my own bees that I tend to while humbly receiving their sweet gifts. But, in the meantime, we use Local, Raw, Organic Honey in our home.
Honey has Antibacterial, Antifungal, and Antioxidant Properties. People have used it to soothe sore throats, and treat wounds for the longest of time. My two favorite things to use honey for clinically:
1. Seborheeic Dermatitis (A more frustrating type of dandruff). Take 1 TBSP of Honey and mix with equal or slightly more warm water to make a paste. Apply to the areas affected x 3 hours and wash off. Repeat for 6 weeks total for positive outcomes.
2. GI Flora Regulation: Studies show raw organic honey improves the beneficial intestinal bacteria Bifidobacterium while inhibiting pathogenic bacteria. So, this is my go to choice of ‘sweetener’ for the girls. Drizzled on yogurt + fruit it’s a delicious treat, and a win with the extra probiotics! Choosing *local* means your getting exposed to your local pollen which can therefore provide you with some wins in the allergy department!
Interestingly, there are studies that show that even diabetics who consume a small amount of raw organic honey do not have catastrophic impacts on their blood sugar. It’s a whole food, including probiotics, and therefore it does not spike blood sugar like other ‘sweet’ things….So if you’re picking a sweetener this is a reasonable choice in moderation.
About DCIM
The team at District Center for Integrative Medicine specializes in helping patients get to the root cause of their conditions. If you’re looking for 1-on-1 help from naturopathic doctors who care, request a free consultation today!